how to do anulom vilom pranayam

Anulom vilom is a pranayama. this is called In English Alternate Nostril Breathing. And it is also called Pulse Purifia
Pranayama. Here the Anulom-vilom are both different words, which have different meanings, such as the word anulom means straight forward and inversion means inverted. Straight means the right nollow of the Nostris or nasal and the inverted meaning - the left ventride of the nose The method of the breathing and quitting is repeated repeatedly in the Anulom vilom system. Through its regular practice, all the nerves of the body are cleansed i.e. they remain clean and healthy. So know how to to do this and pranayama and what should be cautious and what should be cautious and what are its advantages:-

Method of Anulom-vilom Pranayama:-

Anulom-vilom first of all sit in padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasan. Close the right punch of the nostril with the thumb of the right hand and fill the breathe in the count of 4 to left nostril and then close the right nostrils with two fingers next to the thumb. Then Remove thumb from the right nostril and take out the breathe from the right nostril. Now Fill the breathe with the right nostril and close the right nose and open the left nostrils and breathe out the breathe in the number 8.
This Pranayama can do 10 to 15 minutes.

How to do Anulom-vilom:-

First of all, let me put a comfortable exchange. it is a matter of paying attention have that when you start this
pranayama, then first do it with the left nostrils and end it with the same. Now Close the nose's nose and breathe a long breathe, then close the left, leave a long breathe with the right and leave it with the left... by doing this sequence,
Repeat this process for 10-15 minutes.
While taking a breathe, Your attention should be collected in the middle of the eyes, on the chakan chakra.
And while breathing in your mind, you should continue to clant om-om. The Astral pulse of our body becomes pure. The left pulse iss known as chandra (Ida, Ganga) pulse and the left pulse, the sun (Pingada Yamuna) pulse the thunder air moves through the lunar pulse and the hot pulse air gets inside from the sun. The temperature of our body is balanced by the use of lamps and hot air.

Advantages Of Anulom Vilom Pranayama:-

Beneficial In-
1. Heart Blockage :- Regular practice of this pranayama gives relief from the blanks of heart. Heart blockage is a problem related to heart beat. Many times this problem is born in children, while in some people starts after the problem grows. The Congenital Heart Block, which is a Congenital heart problem, is the problem of heart blockage when grown up called aquaria Heart Block.
2. To Increase Positive Thinking :- Regular practice of this pranayama can increase our memory and positive then its results also come positive. And along with it, peace and transquility give mind and mind peace.
3. Mind And Mind Calm Down :- The routine practice of this pranayama can increase our memory and positive thinking, when our thinking becomes positive then its results also come positive. And along with it, peace and transquility give mind and mind peace.
4. Give Relief From These Disease :- Arthritis, Romant arthritis cartilage grease, high blood pressure and low blood pressure are cured.
5. Kidneys Are Cured :- Kidney is clean, it does not need to be dialysis. The pair of kidney is a human organ, whose primary function is to make urine production ( blood cleansing). The kidneys are found in many vertebrate animals. These are the Organisms of the urinary system. They have electrolyte, alkali-acid balance and blood pressure regime. Their stool is called urine. These are mainly urea and ammonia.
6. Beneficial In Cancer Disease :- This pranayama also benefits from Cancer. cancer is a category of disease in which a group of cells is uncontrolled growth, disease attack ( destruction of surrounding tissues and attack on them ) and sometime Exposes or metastasis ( spreads to other parts of the body through the lymph or blood.
7. Remembrance Increase :- Regular practice enhances memory, Remembering is always dependent on meditation and concentration on the way we focus our attention will become more intense.
8. Fixes Colds :- This pranayama provides relief from Shardy Colds. Common Cold is also known as nasopharyngitis, rhinopharngitis, excessive nigh or cold. It is an easily infectious disease of the upper respiratory system which mostly affects nostrils.
9. Brain Tumar :- By doing this pranayama, there is great benefits in brain tumar. Brain tumar is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain that can be cancesous or cancess. It is defined as any intercropaloma caused by abnormal uncontrolled Cell division, which is generally either in the brain, in the cranial nerves, in the brain enclosures, the cranial,the pituitary and the pineal glands, or primarily other organisms. Is spread by Cancess located in.
10. Prognosis Increase :- Regular practice of this pranayama increases immunity to disease. If our immune system is right then we can avoid many diseasess.
11. Balanced Body Temperature :- The body temperature is balanced by its regular practice. When the body temperature exceeds normal, that condition is called fever. It is not a disease but a symptom, which states that the body's thermal control system has increased the desired heat ( Set point ) of body 1-2 degree celsius.
12. Sugar Disease :- this pranayama is very beneficial for sufi patients. Diabetics on diabetes is called metabolic
disease, where the person in which the amount of sugar ( blood sugar ) in the person's blood is greater than the
requrement she goes.
13. The lungs Are Strengthened :- The best advantage is that it strengthens our lungs. The blisters are an important part of our body.The person breathes around 20,000 times daily and the more oxygen that comes in the body with every breath, the body remains equality healthy. It is important for the lungs to remain healthy.
14. Heart Diseases :- By practicing this pranayama, we can destroy most of the heart diseases as there are many diseases of our heart attack, blockage etc. If our heart is right then we can get rid of these diseases.
15. Increases Concentration:- The Concentration of the mind and the brain increases. However increasing Concentration is a difficult task, but it is not impossible. strength is very important to increase Concentration.
16. Oxygen Content is balanced :- The amount of oxygen in the body of the person is always balanced by practicing Anulom vilom pranayama. And along with this, the body gets more quantity of oxygen. oxygen levels in the body should be 99% if it falls below 96%, the person becomes prey of hypoxia. At the time of the lung disease, the level of oxygen decreases.
17. Does low fat stomach:- This pranayama helps us in reducing the stomach parts of the body is a particularly harmful type of fat that surrounds your organs. Get accumulated.

Use Caution:-

This pranayama always done empty stomach.
Do not do this pranayama immediately after eating, but you can do this pranayama for 4-5 hrs intervals in the morning. while breathing, keep on chanting om-om in your mind. because this aura has a positive effect on your mind. Sugar, blood pressure and pregnant woman should not stop breathing for long while doing this pranayama.

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What is Pranayama and Its Types, Benefits

What is Pranayama

Pranayama is made up of two words, Pran+Dimension = Pranayama. here the soul is form respiration, meaning 'prana (breathing) long' or 'prana (Vital energy) prolong'. Prana is considred to be a living soul, but it is related to internal air, whose main position in the heart. When a person is born, he breathes deeply and when he dies, he Completely breathes. Then it proved that air is life.

Dimension has two meaning- first control or restrain, second extension. Prana is the power that keeps our body alive and gives strenght to our mind. So Prana refers to our life force and regulasize with 'dimension'. Therefore, Pranayama means regularization of life force. Prana passes through thousand of subtle energy glands {called nadis} and tha centres of energy {called chakra} of the body and make hallucinousness around tha body. The quantity and quality of life force determine the mood of the human.

How To Do Pranayama:-

Pulling and exhaling breathing deep into tha deep and comes out under the pranayama. with breathing, feel that while prana power, superiority is being pulled in by breathing, when leaving it, let us feel that our badness, bad practices, bad thought are getting out of the quiz.

If we breathe, they only if we do not pull tha wind, then pull all the energy of the universe into it. Now You will feel how it will be like just breathing. The breathe that forces yours whole body to run, it also has the power to repair your body. Pranayama should be done with tha pronunciation of the following mantra [Gaayatree Mantra]

Rules Of Pranayama :-

1. The best time to do pranayama is in the morning.

2. Pranayama should be done only by sitting at Padmasana, Siddhasna or Sukhaasana.

3. Do pranayama at the place where you are clm and peace.

4. Pranayama should be done always with empty stomach.

5. Pranayama seekess should wear least and loose clothes according to weather.

6. pranayama should not be extended together and should gradually increase its time.

7. While doing pranayama, our hands should be in knowledge or any other posture.

8. While sitting, our spinal cord should be straight forward in our line.

9. While Focusing on breathing, concentration should be focused on one of the chakras, otherwise the mind will go astray, because the mind is very fickle.

10. There Should not be any kind of stress anywhere in our body while doing pranayama.

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